Enough is Enough
Representative Reichert:
I am one of your constituents. I have supported you in three consecutive races for Congress. I wrote you last week imploring you to vote against H.R. 2454 (The American Clean Energy and Security Act). I watched you vote twice against procedural motions leading to the Passage vote on this Cap & Trade bill. I then watched incredulously as you became one of just eight Republicans that provided political cover for 44 Democrats (who themselves wisely voted against this vastly compounding tax hike). I am disgusted that the man I have defended for seven years cast his lot with Henry Waxman, Edward Markey, and Nancy Pelosi.
I also watched and listened as you ducked for cover and timorously dispatched Pete Sessions and Eric Cantor to try to provide cover for your indefensible vote. Once it was clear that your proxies would not be able to sweep your (mis)calculated act under the political rug you finally (5 days later) called in to the less in-your-face of local conservative talk shows to try to personally mitigate your vote to artificially
raise the cost of living for every single person in this great nation.
I heard you make the ludicrous statement that this bill would provide for MORE coal fuel. While I realize that you think its silly to read all, or even much of a 1,200+ page bill that you are voting to make law (which I find offensive) you certainly had crib-notes that pointed-out that this bill is Henry Waxman's best effort to tax coal production and use out of existence. This bill would also tax domestically produced and consumed oil at a higher rate than imported petroleum. How exactly does taxing coal to death and *encouraging* the importation of foreign oil get us closer to energy independence and IMPROVE our national security?
Solar and wind power is inefficient and incredibly expensive, nuclear power is politically dangerous (despite your protestations of "nuclear research"), you are onboard with killing off coal power usage, and taxes on oil consumption continue to rise. That leaves Natural Gas. As the demand for Natural Gas rapidly will outpace available supply, due in large part to this bill, what do you think that will do to Natural Gas prices? Is your goal to make energy so expensive that we revert to the Dark Ages?
As Natural Gas prices inexorably skyrocket, and as Natural Gas is the main source of nitrogen used in commercial fertilizers, this bill will shoot the basic costs of every single agriculturally-based good to staggering levels. How exactly does increasing the
direct cost of energy, compounded by the escalation of prices for absolutely every agri-based and petroleum-based good help improve the standard of living for voters in the 8th Congressional District?
If you insist on defending your vote to make Cap & Tax law I can only conclude that your view of America is antithetical to my own. As your continued membership in the U.S. House Republican Conference is obviously in opposition to your voting record I have to ask why you don’t simply change political party membership and officially join Congressman John Larson's Caucus of Thieves? If that is just too much to stomach then why not retire and leave the U.S. House entirely?
While I do understand that August and November of 2010 are several lifetimes away (in political terms) I will *not* forget you frequent votes against my own conservative political philosophy.
I have never voted for the likes of Heidi Behrens-Benedict, Dave Ross, or Darcy Burner, but in the 5+ years you've been ostensibly representing me in the U.S. House of Representatives I too often have been unable to tell which candidate really took office.
Eric W.
8th District Constituent
Citizen, Veteran, Taxpayer, Voter,
and political donor
I cant tell you how it warms my heart to see my dear friend post that which speaks for the lot of us. I wondered the day that my friend and my husband run for city council and begin to be the driving force in my city, county, state and country. You would both have my vote and total support. We love you! Brenda
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