Thursday, September 4, 2008

Madame Vice President

Once again I was not home to watch the primetime (well, primetime on the East Coast anyway) speeches at the Republican National Convention last night. So I taped the keynote and headline addresses.

As soon as we got home last night we watched the Washington State RNC delegation cast 4 votes for Representative Ron Paul we turned the VCR on (yes, we still use one) and watched the speeches.

The night's keynote address was given by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. While the text of his speech seemed to be pretty powerful, his delivery was just bad. Really bad. Did I...mention how...bad...his speech...was...delivered?!?

Now the headliner was a different story. Alaska Governor, and now officially Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah "Barracuda" Palin gave an outstanding address!

She was composed, direct, funny, and not afraid of a fight. My kind of candidate!

So bring on the attacks from the media advocates (they call themselves reporters). The more the McCain-Palin ticket is attacked on a personal level the less the casual observer will give attacks in general any credence whatsoever.


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