Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Again to the parties: Go stick it!

I'm out of things for a few days with kidney stones and surgery and all of a sudden I can't create a post with hyperlinks?!?


So the major political parties in Washington State don't like the Blanket Primary system that we've had forever in this state because without public party registration the parties have to do their own party-building and fund-raising ground work. So the parties sue the taxpayers the claim to speak for to force a closed-party primary system. They get their wish, sort of (thanks to the veto pen of Gary Locke). The people pass an Initiative to sweep-aside any weight party labels have on state-run elections. The party bosses again unite to again sue the voters each party claims to speak on behalf of. They finally lose in a 7-2 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Now that we the people have definitively removed any legal connection between party affiliation and the election of public officials (on the taxpayers' dime), the Democrats are now suing the Secretary of State (legally charged with executing state elections) who is a Republican, because he has the audacity to allow candidates to list their own party preference on the General Election ballot (as specified in the same state law that the U.S. Supreme Court already upheld).

The Democrats are crying now because Dino Rossi chose "Prefers G.O.P. Party" instead of listing his own political party preference the way his opposition wants him to (as in "Prefers Republican Party").


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